At the end of the Virgin Views article in the last issue I invited all comers to express their agreement or disagreement with what appeared there. Many comments re- ceived were too short to be worth recording, but several readers took pen in hand to record their views pro and con. The Editor believes it to be in the interests of all to try to achieve some understanding of the field in general and of themselves in particular. Since no one knows all the answers it is mentally stimulating to listen to points of view with which you do not necessarily agree since it stimulates one to come up with other facts and comments in rebuttal and this process helps to clarify one's own conceptions Peaceful acceptance of oneself is essential to a well adjusted, ten- sion-free life So in the interest of promoting just this I print for your consideration several letters --The Editor.
from Pegie Val Addair
5 pages hardly make up for 22. But full reciprocity would set a precedent for other lengthy communications. This writer doubts, in fact almost hopes that no other TV is so plainly socially-schizophrenic that there exists within his total personality a force as strongly opposed to his femin- ality and her frailities as to be able to support such crit- icism. Be that as it may Everyone to their own form of catharsis. The writer's better half, shall we say, has had her day in the sun in TVia.. This is her brother, but sadly, convention in an un-conventional behaviour makes Her signa- ture appear on it Merely figurative I assure all fellow sisters.
Virginia's 22 page editorial is lacking in many ways in my view, Chiefly two stand out. 1, the eight conditioning factors are not specific enough, not given broad enough scope and are much more complex than the vast amount of testimony they are derived from. 2, the five motivations (in which I find fault) are very broad and quite eloquently stated, but